Best Pet Products

Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter Review

Overview of Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter

Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is a premium cat litter that provides superior odor control and clumping performance. It is made from recycled paper, making it an environmentally friendly choice for pet owners. This litter is 99.7% dust free, so it won’t cause respiratory issues in cats or humans. It is also unscented, so it won’t overpower the room with a strong odor.

This litter has a unique texture that helps to absorb moisture quickly and form tight clumps for easy scooping. It also helps to reduce tracking, so you won’t have to worry about litter being tracked all over your home. The litter also has a low-tracking formula that helps to keep it in the litter box, so your cat can use it without making a mess.

Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is highly absorbent and helps to reduce odors for up to three weeks. It is also low-tracking and won’t stick to your cat’s paws, so there won’t be any messes outside the litter box. This litter is also lightweight and easy to carry, making it a great choice for people who need to move their litter box around.

Overall, Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is an excellent choice for pet owners who want an environmentally friendly, dust

Benefits of Using Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter

Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is an excellent choice for cat owners looking for a safe, effective, and low-dust litter option. This paper-based litter is made from recycled newspaper, making it an eco-friendly and sustainable choice. It is 99.7% dust-free, so it won’t create a mess in your home. It is also unscented, so it won’t irritate cats with sensitive noses.

This litter is highly absorbent and helps to control odors. It quickly absorbs urine and traps solid waste, making it easy to scoop and dispose of. It is also lightweight and easy to transport, making it ideal for travel.

Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is also safe for cats. It contains no chemicals or fragrances that could be harmful to cats. It is also biodegradable, so it won’t harm the environment when disposed of properly.

Overall, Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is a great choice for cat owners looking for a safe, effective, and low-dust litter option. It is highly absorbent and helps to control odors, while also being lightweight and easy to transport. It is also eco-friendly and safe for cats, making it an excellent choice for conscientious pet owners.

How Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter Compares to Other Brands

Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is a premium litter product that offers superior performance compared to other brands. This litter is made from recycled paper, providing a natural, safe, and environmentally friendly solution for pet owners. It is highly absorbent, trapping odors and moisture quickly and effectively. It is also low-tracking, meaning it won’t stick to your cat’s paws and spread around your home.

The litter is unscented, making it ideal for cats with sensitive noses or allergies. It also has a low dust formula, reducing the amount of dust and airborne particles in your home. This litter is easy to clean up, as it clumps together when wet and can be scooped out quickly and easily. It also has a long-lasting odor control system that helps keep your home smelling fresh and clean.

Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is also very affordable compared to other brands. It is available in a variety of sizes and packages, making it easy to find the right size for your needs. The litter also comes with a satisfaction guarantee, so you can be sure that you are getting a quality product.

Overall, Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is an excellent choice for pet owners who are looking for an effective, safe, and affordable litter solution. It provides superior odor control and absorption, while

Tips for Using Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter

Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is an excellent choice for cat owners who want a litter that is safe, effective, and easy to use. This product is made from recycled paper and is 99.7% dust-free. It is also unscented, so it won’t irritate your cat’s sensitive nose. Here are some tips for using Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter:

1. Start with a clean litter box. Make sure to empty the box completely and wash it with warm, soapy water before filling it with the litter. This will help ensure that your cat has a clean environment to do their business in.

2. Fill the litter box with a few inches of the litter. Make sure to spread it evenly across the bottom of the box so that your cat can easily dig and cover their waste.

3. Scoop out solid waste daily. This will help keep the litter box clean and free of odors.

4. Change the litter every two weeks or when it starts to smell. This will help keep your cat’s environment fresh and clean.

5. Dispose of used litter in the trash. Do not flush it down the toilet as it can clog the plumbing.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your cat has a clean and comfortable environment to do their business in

Pros and Cons of Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter

Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is a popular choice for cat owners looking for an effective, affordable, and environmentally friendly litter option. The product is made from recycled paper that has been compressed into pellets, and is 99.7% dust-free. It is also unscented, making it a good choice for cats with sensitive noses.


The biggest advantage of Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is that it is affordable. It is also highly absorbent, which means that it can absorb up to three times its weight in liquid, making it an effective choice for controlling odors. The pellets are also lightweight and easy to scoop, making cleanup quick and easy. In addition, the pellets are biodegradable, making it an environmentally friendly option.


One of the drawbacks of Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is that it does not clump as well as other types of litter. This means that it can be more difficult to scoop out soiled litter. In addition, the pellets can be messy and can stick to the cats’ paws, which can be tracked throughout the house. Finally, the litter does not have any scent, which can make it less attractive to cats who prefer scented litters.

Overall, Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter


Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter is an excellent choice for cat owners. It is highly absorbent, dust-free, and unscented, making it ideal for cats with sensitive noses. It is also lightweight and easy to scoop, making it a convenient option for busy households.

Matt Suh

As your go-to expert for everything one-of-a-kind, Matt is here to help you capture and share life’s most important moments. Find thoughtful gifts, creative ideas, and endless inspiration to create meaningful memories with family and friends.

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